7th IFAC Conference on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modelingで2件の研究発表,Pre-Conference Workshopで1件の講演を行いました。

10月30日~11月1日に中国大連理工大で開催された7th IFAC Conference on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling(ECOSM 2024)で2件の研究発表を行いました。また10月29日にConferenceに先立って開催されたのPre-Conference Workshopで山﨑教授が講演を行いました。

Yudai Yamasaki, “Effective Collaboration of Physical and AI Models for Powertrain Control”, IFAC E-COSM 2024 Pre-Conference Workshop on New Trend in Powertrain Control and Carbon Neutralization (29 Oct. China)

Yuto Noda, Yudai Yamasaki, “Characteristics of accelerator pedal operation prediction model by comparing to driving data clustering”, ECOSM 2024, (30 Oct.-1 Nov. China)
Jihoon Kim, Yudai Yamasaki, “Prediction of IMEP Fluctuation Trends in a Gasoline Engine Using Random Forest”, ECOSM 2024, (30 Oct.-1 Nov. China)